Saturday 27 August 2011

Bethlehem Airshow 27 August 2011

 On our way to Bethlehem, Johannesburg to the Left
 Downwind at Bethelehem
 Our Chariot for the weekend thanks Rob
 Some arivals

 Head on with a Harvard

Collecting Banner
Crop ship for the paradrop
 The Banner
 ZU-SEA Seagull

 ZU-IMP climbing
 ZU-IMP venting fuel after a stall turn
Cell-C  formation
 Cell C

 CC doing his thing again
 Preparing for Wall of Fire
 Wall of Fire
 Damn that low


 Scully in PEP
 Trucktop Landing

 Johnnie Smith
 Para boys

 I memory of the Albatross crash victims
 Seagull "Nelson"
 Ellis Levin
 Team Gabriel
 Ellis landing
 Bird Strike
 Dave Gouws

Team Cell C (Flying Lions)

 Pierre Gouws in the 737-800

 Charles Urban in ZU-TEE

 Meno Parsons in ZS-HNP
 ZS-HNP unfortunately crashed 2 weeks later 

 Golden gate as seen as we got airborne at Bethlehem 
Vaal dam 
Seagull at sunset